
  1. CCTV Key Frame Extraction

    A software for effectively summarizing long CCTV footage. The summarized video provides a good representation of the footage while reducing the size by a considerable amount. This reduced size can greatly reduce the storage requirement and helps in quick analysis of the footage, thereby reducing cost and physical space.

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  2. Data Miner

    Data miner is a community driven platform for exploring and sharing various kinds of datasets. Data miner supports a variety of dataset formats like video, audio, text, etc. It help researchers easily collect datasets for their projects.

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  3. PDF Manipulator

    PDF Manipulator is a web app for performing different operations on pdf like adding watermark, rotating pages, page deletion, password-protecting the pdf etc.

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  4. Pixel Transforms

    Pixel transforms is a digital image editing web platform that can resize the uploaded image in any manner. It is very useful for students while submitting for various applications as different applications might require different image sizes/resolution. This product was developed by Pankaj Kumar G, Rishad and Sourav N S during April 2019.

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